Sunday, August 25, 2013

Extreme Complaints Drove the Bid to the Exception

Extreme Complaints Drove the Bid to the Exception
By: Hacer Boyacioğlu
Radikal Volume 17, Number 6143, 20 August 2013, pages 22-23

The bid for the Sincan-Ankara-Kayaş railway line was cancelled and will be exempted from the Bidding Law after firms used that law to enter complaints against each other.

In a recent meeting State Railways General Director Süleyman Karaman, when discussing the bidding on Capital Rail, stated that, the process "turned like a top."

The Turkish State Railway Authority (TCDD) chose a rare precautionary method to speed the bidding on the half-a-billion lira Sincan-Ankara-Kayaş railway line project after all of the firms bidding entered complaints against each other. Seventeen firms entered proposals for the bidding which opened last year and four of them were found to be qualified. It was at this point that a fury of complaints began. Firms participating in the bidding process began to enter complaints against each other. After large firms such as Makyol-Cengiz, Gülermak-Kolin, Porr Bau and Comsa Sa-Seza-Açılım used the complaints process nine times, the bidding was cancelled. The State Railway Authority will initiate the bidding again. Yes, this time with a check on complaints and with foreign funding. With a foreign funding source the project bidding will be exempted from the Public Bidding Law.

Everyone Ran to the KIK
The Sincan-Ankara-Kayaş railway line project, known as Capital Rail, was opened for bidding last year on 25 April. Gülermak-Kolin was chosen as the winning bid and Porr Bau GmbH was the runner up bidder. This decision initiated serious objections that continued over a years time. Firstly Porr Bau Gmgh objected and claimed that Gülermak-Kolin should have been removed from the bidding process; the committee rejected this objection. Immediately thereafter Öz Aras Intekar Yapı and afterward Comsa Sa-Açılım-Seza Construction complained that the winning firm at Porr Bau should be banned from the bidding process.The Public Bidding Committee (KIK) decided that the complainant Comsa Sa-Açılım-Seza should be removed from the bidding process, but that Makyol-Cengiz would be free to continue.

The committee re-evaluated the proposals on August 10 and again chose the Gülermak-Kolin bid to qualify as the winning bid. Before this decision was made 6 of the firms had applied for their competing companies to be excluded from bidding. Following each of the decisions made by the KIK the relevant firms had opened lawsuits relating to the decisions. The KIK as well had started counter legal action against a number of the firms involved. By April 3 the KIK made the decision to cancel the entire bidding process. By this time the TCDD had already taken the decision to finance the project using the foreign funding model. The TCDD stated that “This time financing from the European Investment Bank will be used. It will be a quicker and shorter process than that of the complaint-driven model.”

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Shocking Engineering Report on the Third Bridge

Shocking Engineering Report on the Third Bridge
By: Serkan Ocak
Radikal Volume 17, Number 6140, 17 August 2013, pages 4-5

The expert committee report used by TEMA in its legal case against the Third Bridge has been released two month after the bridge’s foundation has been laid. The report states that “if development is not allowed in the area around the bridge, then there will not be exaggerated environmental damage. If the bridge is not constructed it may lead to more pollution.”

There are currently about 30 legal cases pending against the Third Bridge. Among these, TEMA is the complainant in two. For one of TEMA’s cases an expert committee report was issued. According to the report “if development is not allowed in the area around the bridge, then there will not be exaggerated environmental damage... If the bridge is not constructed it may lead to more pollution… If the bridge is not constructed it may lead to more traffic in existing neighbourhoods and cause more pollution.”

Of the seven experts who authored the report, six of them supported the Third Bridge. One member of the committee of experts did not support the Third Bridge because of the risk presented by uncontrolled development in the study area. Surprisingly the committee’s report supports the position of the defendants, the Istanbul Municipality & the Highway Authority.

Foundation in May, Report in July

In 2011 the TEMA foundation sued to stop the proposed 1/25000 Istanbul Province North Marmara Autobahn Regulatory Plan from going into effect. The seven member committee appointed to study the issue conducted their work in July 2012. The foundations for the bridge were constructed on May 29th , yet the expert committee report was completed and submitted to the court in July. A number of disputed issues were contained in the report, including the following.

• The area effected by the Northern Marmara Autobahn (KMO) are categorized as being heath land, prairie land, arid land, wetlands, agricultural land, perennial forest & populated area.
• The disturbed land will consist of: 31% wooded area, 28% agricultural land, 19% prairieland, 6% occupied area, 6% perennially wooded land and 2% arid land.
• That 40% of the area affected by the project is forested land; 2600 hectares of the 6500 hectares disturbed.
• That 1.1% of the forested area of Istanbul is affected by the project. This is area that includes in the Belgrade Forest.
• In it’s conclusion the report stated that “The idea that the various viaducts & tunnels of the KMO will damage the environment or pollute the riparian areas is exaggerated, that is, as long as the project is not constructed in methods similar to those as used for the D100 and TEM.” “The increase in traffic on the already congested existing transportation network, if the project is not completed, will lead to a higher ratio of pollutants being released into currently populated areas, thus leading to further environmental & health problems in these existing residential areas.”

We Have Destructed the Environment, but We are Developing

In emphasizing the government’s 2023 goals the report stated that “While destructive to the natural environment, the industrial operations in Tuzla & Gebze are means of growing the country’s economy and increasing industrial competition and its continuing vitality.”

Technical report members: Yıldız Technical University City and Regional Planning Department Professor Dr. Hüseyin Cengiz voted ‘no’ to the project; Istanbul University Forestry Faculty Provost Dr. Ahmet Yeşil, Yıldız Technical University Architecture Faculty, City and Regional Planning Department Docent Dr. Darçın Akın, Uludağ University Agricultural Economics Department professor Docent Dr. Serkan Gürlük, Yıldız Technical University Construction Faculty Docent Dr. Mustafa Gürsoy, Gebze Technology Institute City and Regional Planning Department Docent Dr. Mehmet Küçükmehmetoğlu and from that institute’s Environmental Engineering Department Docent Dr. Salim Öncel signed off on the report’s approval of the project. We attempted to reach the committee member Professor Dr. Ahmet Yeşil unsuccessfully.

End article

TEMA - Türkiye Erozyonla Mücadele, Ağaçlandırma ve Doğal Varlıkları Koruma Vakfı / The Turkish Foundation For Combating Erosion, Reforestation And The Protection Of Natural Habitats

KMO – Kuzey Marmara Otoyolu / Northern Marmara Autobahn

D100 – A national highway of Turkey that runs from the Bulgarian to Iranian borders, approximately 1,800 km in length. Part of the European E-80 road from Portugal to the Iranian border.

TEM – Trans-European Motorway. Also a reference to the European E-80 that runs from Portugal to Iran, through Turkey.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A disturbance at a PKK funeral in Hakkari

A disturbance at a PKK funeral in Hakkari

08 August 2010

Four PKK members, two of which were women, were buried in the Tekser Cemetery after being killed in fighting with security forces in Helil Valley in Hakkari last Thursday. After the funeral some groups engaged with police in nearby streets. Protesters were dispersed with teargas and a water cannon after erecting flaming barricades in the streets and throwing stones at police.

Those who came to claim the bodies from the Hakkari State Hospital morgue for the funeral were met in the hospital’s garden by police but were not detained. The standoff between the gathered protestors and police was ended only after the intervention of officials from the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP - Barış ve Demokrasi Partisi). A hearst owned by the municipality of Hakkari originally took three of the bodies from the morgue which were later transferred to at truck for the PKK funeral ceremony. Approximately 10,000 people gathered and walked behind the truck shouting slogans such as “martyrs are immortal” and “long live Apo” and singing Kurdish marches.

On the five kilometre walk from Hakkari to the Keklikpinar District’s Tekser Cemetery several among the crowded fainted from heat exhaustion. Upon entering the cemetery women who had gathered there showered the caskets with carnations as they caskets were hoisted onto the backs of the crowd. Kurdistan was written on the top of some parasol opened by women among the crowd. The BDP security surrounding the building took precautions to not allow a riot to ensue. The PKK members’ caskets were lowered into the earth.

After the funeral ceremony some groups gathered in the crowded neighbourhoods of the city centre and began to make bonfires, barricade streets and shout slogans. In response the police fired the water cannon and tear gas at the groups. The situation spread to other nearby streets as the protestors began to rain stones down on the police.

Original in Hurriyet online edition 09 August 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

50 TL fine for dolmuşes with standing passengers

Minibus operators who carry standing passengers will not pay fines based on passengers carried, but will only pay 50 TL per infraction.

The changes were published in the Amendments to the Gazette of Official Motorway Traffic Regulations on behalf of President Abdullah Gül. Due to the changes fines for minibuses and dolmuşes that carry too many passengers will be changed from 60 TL per passenger to only 50 TL per vehicle.

Original in Turkish published 31 July 2010 by Birgun newspaper online:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I’ll be here for another term

Original in Turkish at

Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan welcomed youth from all four corners of the country on May 19, the Atatürk Memorial Youth and Sport Day.

Erdoğan used his introductory address to the youth organizations as chance to make an announcement about his own political future. “According to our laws one can be a member of parliament for three terms back-to-back,” Erdoğan stated. “After that you must stand down. So for me, as it is now, I have am allowed one more term after this one. After that, I can go no more. At the same time one can serve five terms as a common deputy. I can serve as a common deputy for five terms, but after that I’m forced out. Why? We’re forced to give way to those who come after us. Otherwise we’d find ourselves dealing with lots of infighting.”

Youth Treasure-trove

Personally, I see our young population as Turkey’s treasure-trove. While the rest of the work is generally burdened with an aging population these days, I think we should consider this as a good opportunity for Turkey.”

May 19 Chat

Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan, State Council President Mustafa Birden, Constitutional Court President Haşim Kılıç, and Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç attended the ceremonies in Ankara’s May 19 Stadium. Seated side-by-side, the four men enjoyed watching the ceremonies.

May 20, 2009

Hurriyet online edition


The purpose of this blog is to translate a few stories from the domestic Turkish press each week. This is for general public purposes only, and for my own interest. If you stop by, please comment or feel free to email me. I can take requests if there is a certain topic or story you are interested in.

23 Waste Barrels Found Buried in Sakarya

Türkiye 19/05/2009

Published in Radikal. Original Turkish found at


SAKARYA- Twenty three barrels, dumped by unknown persons, have been found in a field in the Darıçayırı district of Karasu township. It appears that the barrels, allegedly filled with poisonous waste, were brought to and dumped in the field and originate from a factory located in İzmit.

In the run up to the March 29 local elections in Darıçayırı, the Demokrat Party (DP) candidate Ahmet Başaran alleged that Recep Sarı of the Adalet ve Kalkınma Party (AKP) allowed the burial of the poisonous waste and, if elected, promised that he would prove this. Upon winning the election and taking his place as the magistrate of the district Ahmet Başaran ordered the investigation of the site where the poisonous waste was dumped.

The Health Directorate along with the Directorate of the Environment and Forestry announced that the barrels were located by the backhoe used in the excavation at about 2:00 in the afternoon in the field located 300 meters from the Darıçayırı exit on the Karasu-Adapazarı highway.


The barrels, allegedly containing poisonous waste, have been wrapped in plastic for safe removal and are currently undergoing analysis. The apparently chemical substance caked to the dirt in which it was contained and while analysis is still being performed to determine what it is, the Health Directorate along with the Directorate of the Environment and Forestry have announced that their team has determined it is not a radioactive substance.

It has been alleged that the barrels are the property of a factory in İzmit and that they were dumped at the site in 2003 by the driver of a truck owned by the Darıçayırı district.


Darıçayırı district magistrate Ahmet Başaran (DP), contending that the dumping of the material took place during the previous administration of Recep Sarı (AKP), had this to say:

“The claim was made before [concerning the existence of the barrels], but during that time nothing was done. After the election, the same claim was made. There was still interest and concern. And, we received approval last Wednesday from the Health Directorate. In response to the concerned claims we received, we began digging here. So far, 23 barrels have been found. We don’t know how many more may be found, and radiation testing has been done. And we’re going to work until all the analysis is complete.”